Posts Tagged ‘AS10’

Media and Studies on Cupuaçu

February 8, 2009

today show

November 25, 2007

“Now this is the one nobody really knows about that I think is going
to take the country by storm over the next couple of years. Cupuaçu is
known in the Amazon Rainforest as a ‘pharmacy in a fruit’.
It is similar to the Cacao tree. It has the taste sort of like a cross
between chocolate, passion fruit, and bananas . . . It is really a
phenomenal food . . . Now this stuff, it destroys free radicals and is
so high in antioxidants. This can literally help anything that ails you
– from improving the texture of your skin to cleaning out your GI tract
. . . This is the next great Superfood.”


the independent

April 18, 2004

“Fifteen years ago it was virtually unheard of outside the Amazon, but
now this member of the cocoa family is fast making up for lost time.
Cupuaçu is a smooth, elliptical tangerine-coloured fruit which, for
generations, has been a staple food of rainforest people and animals.

Now it is being “discovered” by the rest of the world. While Amazonians use the fruit’s juice to ease abdominal pains and

help women in labour, it is appearing in the West as an ingredient
in not only medicines, but yogurts, lipsticks, jams, teas, and soaps.”

nutraceuticals world

January 2005

“The Cupuaçu fruit is about the size of a cantaloupe and is highly
prized for its creamy exotic tasting pulp. Like açaí, Cupuaçu is rich in vitamins, minerals, fats and fatty acids, and is traditionally known for its nutritive, stimulant and tonic properties.”